Happy Nurses Week 2008 from your friends at Nursing Spectrum & NurseWeek!

12 de Maio - Dia da Enfermeira.

International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth.

You can find information about Florence Nightingale on the Florence Nightingale International Foundation (FNIF) web site and the Girl Child Education Fund.

Registered Nurse (RN)

A nurse holding an Associate, BSN, or Hospital Diploma degree who is licensed to practice nursing by the state authority after qualifying for registration.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome is an extremely rare genetic condition which causes physical changes that resemble greatly accelerated aging in sufferers. The disease affects between 1 in 4 million (estimated actual) and 1 in 8 million (reported) newborns. Currently, there are approximately 40-45 known cases in the world. There is no known cure. Most people with progeria die around 13 years of age.
Ashley Hegi is a 16 year old girl who lives in Canada and has Progeria. There have been many TV specials about her. Her mother has a website:

Ashley is an inspiring and courageous little girl!!!

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